I thought I knew me
I thought I was concrete
There were certain things
Of which I wouldn’t even want to think
One was one
Two was two
Certain things just weren’t
Ever worth giving time to
Then there was this maze
This terrorizing mess of one
And all of a sudden one
Was no longer one but “some”
Everything is flip-turned
Nothing is right
To calculate, where’s my calculator?
What? No, numbers? Just alphabets in sight
Let me grab my common sense
Oh, none to be found
Surely, I’m still equipped with my ways
Nope. My desire to be “stuck in them” is bound
Where is that brain, they say is so smart
Nothing can stand against that thing
Not even a speeding, precise dart
I pull on the smarts, but there we go again
The smarts I’ve relied on are now gone in the wind
What else is left? What can I still turn to?
Oh, no. Not that. My heart’s all that’s left to run to!
I thought I was concrete
There were certain things
Of which I wouldn’t even want to think
One was one
Two was two
Certain things just weren’t
Ever worth giving time to
Then there was this maze
This terrorizing mess of one
And all of a sudden one
Was no longer one but “some”
Everything is flip-turned
Nothing is right
To calculate, where’s my calculator?
What? No, numbers? Just alphabets in sight
Let me grab my common sense
Oh, none to be found
Surely, I’m still equipped with my ways
Nope. My desire to be “stuck in them” is bound
Where is that brain, they say is so smart
Nothing can stand against that thing
Not even a speeding, precise dart
I pull on the smarts, but there we go again
The smarts I’ve relied on are now gone in the wind
What else is left? What can I still turn to?
Oh, no. Not that. My heart’s all that’s left to run to!